We'll take you through the process and help you build your first eLearning class, quiz or survey so your learning curve is reduced.
This will help you learn the product, and get you up and running very quickly.
Converting your knowledge and expertise materials to eLearning is easy, and we're here to help and we will:
Help you get started and make the process easy
Provide you with advice on how to market your new offerings and utilize bundling
Give you free and low cost tools
Add audio, convert your assets to video, and help with onscreen graphics movement
We also have expertise on marketing your programs and will guide you on:
Marketing eLearningToo to potential customers
Bundling eLearningToo features with your existing products
Create totally new product offerings
Provide marketing advice
Marketing eLearningToo to potential customers
Bundling eLearningToo features with your existing products
Create totally new product offerings
Become a reseller and earn even more revenue!
Earn great referral fees
It's free to sign up
We are more than willing to go the extra mile with you to help make your eLearning, surveying, testing, and other online initiatives a successful reality. Please give us a call and we can discuss how.
(c) 2009-2013 MM Training Technologies, All Rights Reserved